Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: The Ultimate Checklist to kick off your Career Search

Saturday April 12th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: Before submitting your resume, there are several steps you can take to streamline the process and expedite submission. This session will provide you with the ultimate job hunt checklist, networking tools, methods to highlight your skills, and supporting documents to help you monitor your progress.

About the Speaker:

Valerie S. Williams is a certified Project Manager with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA who has been laid off four times.  She has worked in and around the pharmaceutical industry for more than twenty years as a programmer, tester, trainer and project manager, just to name a few roles.  During her jury to find her next position, Valerie attended many networking events to learn how to traverse the new employment process.  She organized the knowledge she gathered into a checklist which helped her land her next role.  Valerie will share her checklist and tips to help you on your journey.  In the words of Whitney M. Young, “It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.”

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: April 12, 2025, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)
  • Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am – doors to facility open 9am come early to get settled in
  • Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am
  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Conquering Job Transition – A Panel Discussion (w/ US Army Ret. Lt Col. Don Weyler, Ellen Polansky, Haresh Keshwani) Led by Frank Kovacs and Mark Beal

Saturday March 8, 2025 at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: Conquering Job Transition is the third book in trilogy that Mark Beal & Frank Kovacs have authored to help those in Job Search. In this book a unique approach of identifying TBCNJ members by gender, age, level, profession, industry & type of transitions faced were carefully selected to provide a breadth of experiences that are presented through inspirational stories that have insights & lessons learned that will help the reader while leaving them with hope that they too can successfully conquer job transitions. We will have authors from 3 of the chapters on a panel and discuss different aspects of their personal journeys.

About the Speakers:

Frank Kovacs

Frank Kovacs has been a technology business executive for more than 30 years leading and directing large, complex, global operations and transformations for some of the largest Fortune 100 firms as well as NASA.  

Frank has been recognized as recipient of the Gartner CIO Choice Award, Visionary Award from Business Finance Magazine & Internet World, and the Ovation Award at Comnet. Frank was named a visionary for his 12 years of work at AT&T Bell Labs and has a patent for Smart Card Technology.

 Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, Frank wanted to help those who lost their jobs due to the tragedy and formed a group, The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ). More than 18 years later, TBCNJ has grown to more than 6,000 members and is the premier job search and career networking group in the New York/New Jersey region. As TBCNJ extensively leverages social media, many of the job posts and career transition advice routinely go viral and TBCNJ has helped more than 9,000 individuals secure jobs all with a “pay-it-forward” volunteer approach.

Frank is very proud to capture many of the learnings from 23 years of leadingTBCNJ and share them through this book in hopes that even more people will be helped with their respective job search as we all work through the challenges of today’s digital disruption and reskilling.

Mark Beal

For more than 25 years, Mark Beal served as a public relations practitioner and marketer for one of the nation’s leading consumer public relations agencies developing and executing marketing and public relations campaigns for leading companies and brands around such major sports and entertainment properties as the Olympic Games, Super Bowl, World Series, US Open Tennis and The Rolling Stones.

Today, he collaborates with Gen Z as a full-time professor of practice, communication in the Rutgers University School of Communication and Information. Mark’s ongoing research of Gen Z has led to keynote speeches to the American Marketing Association, Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)

It was Mark’s Rutgers students who inspired him to author his first book in 2017, 101 Lessons They Never Taught You In College, which provides tips to college students preparing for their transition to a career. Media and readers nationwide responded so positively to the book that Mark authored 101 Lessons They Never Taught You In High School About Going To College which was published in 2018.

Mark’s book, Decoding Gen Z: 101 Lessons Generation Z Will Teach Corporate America, Marketers & Media, was published in 2018 and captured the attention of media, marketers and employers nationwide as Gen Zers were starting to become a focus of corporations and brands. In 2020, Mark co-authored Engaging Gen Z with Harvard University student Michael Pankowski. In 2022, Mark authored Gen Z Graduates To Adulthood. Mark’s latest book, ZEO, was published in 2023 as more Gen Zers transitioned from college to their career. The Gen Z books have led to invitations from conferences, corporations, brands, agencies, universities, industry associations and pro sports leagues and teams for Mark to deliver keynote speeches featuring his Gen Z research and insights.

Mark has also co-authored a trilogy of job search/career transition books with Frank Kovacs including Career In Transition, Win The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace, and Conquering Job Transition published in 2025.

To learn more, visit

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: March 8, 2025, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am – doors to facility open 9am come early to get settled in

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

ATTENTION – TBCNJ Members – please remember this February meeting instance is ONLY meeting in 2025 that will be VIRTUAL via GoToMeeting then back to in person meetings at East Brunswick Public Library for remainder of 2025. Details on meetup as well as Also please remember to still RSVP for this mtg as well as 3/8/25 meeting when we return to in person meetings on meetup.

Frank Kovacs


Heather Kay

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Interviewing from Strengths by Heather Kay (Virtual Meeting)

Saturday February 8th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: The Strengths-based philosophy focuses on what you naturally do well so that you can continue to perform at your best.  Who doesn’t want to do their best work?

When you are In-Transition, it can be hard to showcase your strengths.  For one, you may not be aware of them, or you may not be able to describe them in a way that fully demonstrates how you have utilized them.  Typically, it is simply hard to find a way to work them into conversation.

This 30-45 minute Overview provides the background on why Strengths-based development is a key component to being successful and how you can begin to think about describing your Strengths during an interview.

The program covers these topics:

  1. What drives performance
  2. Strength’s statistics and philosophy
  3. Definition of Strengths
  4. Activities involving Strengths (exercise)
  5. Examples of Themes
  6. Example of how to answer interview questions with the HOW of your strengths.

The 3 Key Leading Take Aways are:

  1. Understanding that we all have behaviors that we naturally do well
  2. These behaviors differentiate us from others
  3. Viewing ways to answer interview questions based on one’s strengths

If interested, coaching opportunities will be offered at a discounted rate for those in the session.

Speaker Heather Kay

About the Speaker: Heather Kay has been an HR professional for over 20 years focusing on how to elevate others as they achieve success with others through learning & development and talent management programs. She has worked in numerous industries such as security, healthcare, insurance, and education. Heather is a Gallup certified Strengths-based Coach which is where she spends most of her time coaching and facilitating workshops for teams and organizations. Her official title is the “Wonder Woman of Strengths.” She is also certified in Ken Blanchard’s SL2 program, A Situational Approach to Leadership, administers and delivers the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and facilitates a Team Effectiveness Survey and Action Planning session. Heather received her BA from Lehigh University, an M.Ed. from the University of South Carolina and a certificate in Training and Organizational Dynamics from Temple University. She lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband and two children. She is also a huge University of Wisconsin fan as her husband graduated from there, her daughter and son are both attending as well.

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: February 8, 2025, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: This is a Virtual Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ – 02/08/2025, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM (America/New_York)

Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone:

Phone: +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 426-213-253

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Keep Pace with Intelligent Agents – Preparing for Intelligent Agent disruption in tomorrow’s Job Market by George Pace

Saturday January 11th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: Could your position be replaced by an “Intelligent Agent”?

You might not be familiar with Intelligent Agents yet, but they are set to become pivotal in the AI landscape. Intelligent agents represent the next phase in AI and GenAI capabilities, moving beyond question/generation responses to executing tasks traditionally performed by HUMANS.  From a career standpoint, expect to engage with Intelligent Agents regularly – including job searches, employee onboarding/offboarding and business workflows.

Up to now, the focus in AI for job seekers has primarily been focused on ChatGPT for creating cover letters, resumes, and preparing for interviews.  However, the reality is stark: even if ChatGPT helps you land an interview, without the necessary AI competencies (or mastery) you won’t secure the job.

As such, Intelligent Agents is the focus for George’s BRAND NEW 2025 presentation.  In this presentation George will:

  • Illuminate foundational truths specific to Intelligent Agent adoption
  • Provide an overview of Intelligent Agents – and how they differ from ChatGPT
  • Examine several real-world Intelligent Agents – and potential implementations in Job centric Agents 
  • Explore 2 “Employer Hiring Systems” – focused on driving automation throughout the hiring process
  • Provide actionable steps for how to “Keep Pace” with AI / Intelligent Agents going forward

George Pace

About the Speaker: George Pace is an IT technology leader, focusing on how to extract business value from the latest technologies. He focuses on how companies AND individuals can “Keep Pace” with Artificial Intelligence. George shares his AI/GenAI journey LIVE every Sunday morning at 9:00AM EST – and his large history of previous “disruptive videos” is on his YouTube Channel ( – so please visit AND subscribe! 

George holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Seton Hall University and an MBA from the Rutgers Business School

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: January 11, 2025, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Money Saving Strategies During a Career Transition by Bill LaChance

Saturday December 14th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: This presentation will cover a number of strategies to consider to help with cash flow during a career transition.  The focus will be on those strategies that may not be well known or understood.  Topics will include: Medical Insurance through the Affordable Care Act, strategies to take advantage of shifting marginal tax rates during a transition including impact of new tax laws, and advantages/disadvantages of 401k/403b rollovers.

About the Speaker: Bill LaChance is an independent financial advisor.  His firm offers aunique flat fee program that combines financial planning, portfolio guidance, tax planning and tax preparation. Prior to launching his financial planning practice, Bill spent twenty-two years in corporate finance in the retail industry and before that was a CPA with a large accounting firm.  Bill has a B.S. in Accounting from Bryant University and an MBA in Finance from Indiana University. Bill is a Certified Financial Planner as well as an Enrolled Agent authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: December 14, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: The CEO of Me: Own Your Own Career by Rod Colon

Saturday November 9th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: Why CEO of Me?

  • The traditional career model is dead
  • Jobs are becoming more specialized, requiring a wider range of skills
  •  The responsibility for career growth falls on the individual

About the Speaker: Rod Colón has a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed in today’s global economy.  Rod shares his 25 years of experience as a corporate HR management insider specializing in Diversity & Inclusion, professional networker and career coach through an unusual yet common sense approach to networking and career management.  His in-depth knowledge of unconscious bias, global staffing and networking gives Rod a unique ability to both coach and consult today’s professionals and executives around the world.

As an in-demand Executive Coach and Professional Speaker, Rod reveals the depth of his career management experience and shares the wisdom he has acquired over the years.  He demonstrates the power of networking as a giving and sharing activity, and aggressively challenges professionals to be relentless in building their networking skills while managing their careers as a business – the CEO of ME, Inc.

Rod is a published author. His first book, Win the Race for 21st Century Jobs, discusses the need for networking and human relationships as a major part of any job search and career management strategy.  You can find his career tips and techniques on his website – Rod also hosts a new and interactive weekly call-in radio show entitled Own Your Career: The Weekly Summit for the CEO of Me, Inc. online Mondays at 9pm (ET) at

Rod is a graduate of Georgian Court University and is inducted into Georgian Court University Alumni Court of Honor in 2011.  He has been featured on ABC-TV “Tiempo” with Joe Torres, FOX 29, NEWS12 New Jersey “It’s Your Money” with Eric Landskroner, BRONXNET “Open” with Dr. Bob Lee, LatinTRENDS, Newark Examiner, Princeton Review and has received numerous awards and citations in both print and online media.  His innovations have attracted a growing audience of business professionals who recognize and appreciate his gift for leadership, his command of both traditional and emerging business trends, and his unfailing desire to mentor, coach, train and advise in all matters related to career management and personal growth.

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: November 9, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room. Exact change is appreciated.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: When and How to Re-Assess Your Career at Any Age by Ed Samuel

Saturday October 12th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: There are times in life where you have the opportunity to reassess your career. You can do it proactively even when things are going well, and everything feels right. But many times, there are pivotal moments that will trigger you to think about doing a career reassessment. Learn the 11+ trigger points that can occur in one’s life/career and why it may be a good time to reassess. Learn the difference between taking an offensive or defensive stance to reassess your career. Learn the four (4) core elements of any career assessment tool including Personality, Interests, Skills and Values and why some assessment tools may be invalid to use. Learn what the Big Two (2) Musts when reassessing your career related to your Personality. Learn how critical Values are when shifting to a new career/job/organization/firm. Learn about real-life stories of those who took the time to reassess their career and how it changed their lives for the better. 

Key Takeaways:

– Triger points to reassess your career   

– Key elements needed in any career assessment tool

– Two (2) traits you never want to get wrong

– Creating an answer key to make decisions with eyes wide open

– Playing offense versus defense when reassessing your career           

– Hands on touch/feel of an assessment tool and results

About the Speaker: Ed leads Career Professionals Executive Networking Forum (CPENG) in Wilmington, DE, Believers in Business (BIB) small business forum for greater Kennett Square, PA, hosts “Optimize Your Career” program on Philly radio, 1180 am WFYL every Saturday morning, and co-hosts a weekly faith and career forum on Mondays at 5:00 pm EST under Thought Leadership Branding (TLB) house on Clubhouse. He is a frequent speaker at Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, ExecuNet, TPNG, Chem/Pharma, Joseph’s People, Lehigh Valley Professionals (LVP), FENG, CPENG, Newtown Networking Forum, Career Rebound – FL, Montgomery County Networking Group, PSG of Mercer County – NJ, PSG of Morris County – NJ, CIT – Short Hills, NJ, Innovative Networking Professionals (INP), Association of Finance Professionals (AFP), Philadelphia Diversity Job Fairs, and regional Chamber of Commerce forums. Ed has also been a keynote speaker at Wharton University’s annual Alumni forum, Penn State Alumni, University of Penn Alumni, University of DE, PACD and VOCA Center in NYC. He has been recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, AARP and a frequent guest on regional and national radio, podcasts, and cable TV.

Ed has 30 years of experience working at multi-billion-dollar global firms to leading edge technology start-ups and founded multiple small businesses. He has led recruiting at a multi-billion-dollar firm and has been an independent 3rd party recruiter. Ed has also held no less than 38 unique paid positions in his career:

About the Meeting:

  • Meeting Date & Time: October 12, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting


The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Unleashing the Power of AI Automation for Job Seekers by Sam Velu

Saturday September 14th, at 9:30 AM
Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.
Presentation: Giving Jobseekers some tools and exposing them to AI and how they can leverage in their job search and in their Jobs.

About the Speaker: I’m Santhosh Kumar Velu, widely known as Sam, an AI Enthusiast & Evangelist dedicated to harnessing the transformative power of artificial intelligence. With a passion for innovation and technology, I specialize in strategizing and advising businesses on how to improve their operational efficiency by leveraging AI. My focus is on “Unleashing the Power of AI Automation”, a pursuit that combines cutting-edge technology with practical business applications to drive growth, enhance productivity, and foster sustainable competitive advantages. I have been in the staffing industry for more than 25 years doing agency recruiting for IT.
With a rich background that blends technical expertise with strategic insight, I am committed to helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of AI integration. Whether it’s through optimizing processes, personalizing customer experiences, or unlocking new opportunities, my goal is to empower businesses to thrive in this rapidly evolving digital era.
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn to explore how we can transform your business with the power of AI: Sam Velu on LinkedIn.
About the Meeting:
We are pleased to announce that The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in person meetings.
Meeting Date & Time: September 14, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)
Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am
Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am
Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.
Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in).
There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Win The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace by Mark Beal

Saturday August 10th, at 9:30 AM

Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: In some companies today, there are an unprecedented five generations collaborating. Ranging from members of the Silent Generation in their late 70s and early 80s to Generation Z, the newest members of the workforce, the oldest of which turn 27 this year. All generations deliver measurable value in the workplace. Members of the Silent Generation, boomers and Gen X deliver vast experience, case studies, lessons learned and a substantive network of contacts. Millennials, the largest segment of today’s workforce, are effectively managing up and down while preparing to assume leadership positions, while Gen Z arrives with tech acumen, digital savviness and an unprecedented entrepreneurial mindset and approach. It is this measurable value that all job seekers, no matter their generation, must comprehend and understand as they proactively seek the next opportunity in their career.     

About the Speaker: A 30-year marketer, Mark Beal is a Rutgers University professor, author and keynote speaker. He spent the first 30 years of his career creating integrated marketing campaigns for leading brands around high-profile sports and entertainment properties including the Olympic Games, Super Bowl Halftime Show and The Rolling Stones. Mark has authored eight books including four books focused on Generation Z. Mark’s most recent book published earlier this year is titled, Win The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace.

About the Meeting:

We are pleased to announce that The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in person meetings effective our Saturday, August 10, 2024 meeting.

  • Meeting Date & Time: August 10, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)
    • Doors open at 9:00 am for Networking

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 for covering rental cost of room & the required insurance premium.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering. No food or drink as per library rules.

Posted in Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: How I Journeyed to Present Day by Janelle
Saturday July 13th , Doors open at 9am mtg is at 930-1130am
Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.
Presentation: How I Journeyed to Present Day

JANELLE RAZZINO, President and CEO of Razzino Associates, Inc. has proven to discover the right talent for the right companies at the right time. She is passionate about bringing big ideas to life, motivating and empowering candidates and partnering with companies to make great things happen!

As a boutique firm and premier search organization, Razzino Associates, Inc. brings 30+ years of experience in corporate recruiting and management specializing in C-level, executive level, and mid-level placements for The Fortune Global 2000 marketplace. Its core disciplines are Accounting, Finance, and Information Technology. The firm also places candidates in Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, and Business Development.

Clients have described Janelle as energetic, passionate, tireless, refreshingly honest, and committed. She not only closes the deal, but she opens the relationship. Janelle has built and strengthened countless relationships while promoting a diverse range of top-tier executives to the most premier positions in the tri-state and greater Metro New York areas.

With a thorough understanding of the client’s needs, Janelle personally selects the candidates delivering only the best and most qualified. She expertly understands the non-technical requirements: the body language, the personality and the cultural fit, leaving no doubt as to the candidate of choice. She has helped numerous companies that demand the best.

Featured in The New York Times and on CBS World News, Janelle continues to cultivate deep respect and long-lasting relationships in the hottest areas and most up-to-date industries. Her positive upbeat presentations and development programs enhance, inspire, and motivate the individual, the team, and overall organizational performance.

Janelle is a regular speaker at many corporate outplacement firms and networking groups. She is the founder of the Hillsdale Network Career Resource Ministry in Hillsdale, New Jersey which now includes over 2000 members.

She has also presented programs to students and professors at Mount Saint Vincent College in New York, County College of Morris and Bergen Community College in New Jersey and has been a guest on the talk radio show, Your Career is Calling, broadcast live on Sunday mornings from Rider University.

Janelle also shares her expertise though comprehensive six-week and three-week coaching programs for candidates to boost self-confidence and sharpen interview skills.

About the Meeting:

We are pleased to announce that The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) will be returning to in person meetings effective our Saturday, July 13, 2024 meeting.

Meeting Date & Time: July 13, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

· Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library

· Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

No food or drink is allowed in the library as per library rules.

Posted in Monthly Meeting