Your website is very important to the success of your business. The primary reason why you need a website is that your customers expect you to have one, just like they expect you to have a business card. Once you build a website you must give your clients a reason to visit. While primarily a passive form of marketing, here are some suggestions for driving more traffic to your website…
Search Engine Optimization
- On-Page SEO is the act of you optimizing different parts of your web site that affect your search engine rankings. It’s stuff that you have control over and can change on your own website, such as page text, various HTML tags, and internal links.
- Off-Page SEO increases the relevancy of your website by getting links on other websites to your website. Essentially, it increases relevancy because if demonstrates how the “world” views your website..
While on-page and off-page SEO work together to improve your search engine rankings, On-page SEO is the one that you should initially spend time on. It’s the one where you have the full control to make updates and improvements.
Add a Blog Page
Search engines love fresh content. There’s no better way to provide fresh and frequent content than with blog posts. You will build trust and clout within your professional community by providing valuable, expert information via your blog posts. Over time, you will become a trusted resource for helpful, informative content, which can ultimately lead to a higher customer conversion rate. If you are already blogging, then post more frequently. This is a form of on-page SEO.
Join in a Blogging “Community”
Become a guest contributor on other related and relevant blog sites and online journals. Doing so, you can drive targeted traffic to your site by exposing you to a wider and established audience. In addition, you will demonstrate yourself as an expert in your field. Within your content, add a link to your website. That is a form of off-page SEO which you can easily drive and implement.
Get Social
It’s not enough to produce great content on your website and hope that people find it. You have to be proactive. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content and drive traffic to your website. Twitter is ideal for short, snappy attention getters called “tweets”. LinkedIn is the number 1 social media platform for B2B* (business-to-business). Also, YouTube is tops for promoting video content. If you are a B2C (business-to-consumer) organization, you will get the most traction with Facebook*. Also use YouTube and Instagram if your content is largely images. Don’t forget to include your website link in your social media channels and activity.
Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Your entire PPC campaign is built around keywords. These are the words/phrases that people use to search in the search engines. When someone searches using the keywords that are in your campaign, your website ad will display in the search results. The most successful AdWords advertisers continuously refine their PPC keyword list.
In today’s dynamic digital marketing world, email marketing tends to take a backseat to most online promotion activities. If you haven’t considered email marketing for your business, now may be the time to do so. Email marketing is a targeted, shareable, credible, measurable, and cost-effective marketing tool. Using email marketing, you can create deeper and more personal relationships with a wider audience, and at a very low cost. With a targeted approach and a strong message, your business is sure to benefit from email marketing.
While wanting more customers is the primary desire for business owners, then next desired item is increased website traffic. Implementing any of the above strategies can help increase traffic to your website. While some of these strategies won’t be a quick fix, you may be surprised how quickly some of them start to generate results for you.
* 2016 B2B Content Marketing Trends – North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs
2016 B2C Content Marketing Trends – North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs
from BCNJ Member Blog Feed http://dlvr.it/PRR4sy