Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Win The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace by Mark Beal

Saturday August 10th, at 9:30 AM

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Presentation: In some companies today, there are an unprecedented five generations collaborating. Ranging from members of the Silent Generation in their late 70s and early 80s to Generation Z, the newest members of the workforce, the oldest of which turn 27 this year. All generations deliver measurable value in the workplace. Members of the Silent Generation, boomers and Gen X deliver vast experience, case studies, lessons learned and a substantive network of contacts. Millennials, the largest segment of today’s workforce, are effectively managing up and down while preparing to assume leadership positions, while Gen Z arrives with tech acumen, digital savviness and an unprecedented entrepreneurial mindset and approach. It is this measurable value that all job seekers, no matter their generation, must comprehend and understand as they proactively seek the next opportunity in their career.     

About the Speaker: A 30-year marketer, Mark Beal is a Rutgers University professor, author and keynote speaker. He spent the first 30 years of his career creating integrated marketing campaigns for leading brands around high-profile sports and entertainment properties including the Olympic Games, Super Bowl Halftime Show and The Rolling Stones. Mark has authored eight books including four books focused on Generation Z. Mark’s most recent book published earlier this year is titled, Win The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace.

About the Meeting:

We are pleased to announce that The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in person meetings effective our Saturday, August 10, 2024 meeting.

  • Meeting Date & Time: August 10, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)
    • Doors open at 9:00 am for Networking

Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am

Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am

  • Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
  • Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
  • Fee: $10 for covering rental cost of room & the required insurance premium.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering. No food or drink as per library rules.

Posted in Monthly Meeting