The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: When and How to Re-Assess Your Career at Any Age by Ed Samuel
Saturday October 12th, at 9:30 AM
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Presentation: There are times in life where you have the opportunity to reassess your career. You can do it proactively even when things are going well, and everything feels right. But many times, there are pivotal moments that will trigger you to think about doing a career reassessment. Learn the 11+ trigger points that can occur in one’s life/career and why it may be a good time to reassess. Learn the difference between taking an offensive or defensive stance to reassess your career. Learn the four (4) core elements of any career assessment tool including Personality, Interests, Skills and Values and why some assessment tools may be invalid to use. Learn what the Big Two (2) Musts when reassessing your career related to your Personality. Learn how critical Values are when shifting to a new career/job/organization/firm. Learn about real-life stories of those who took the time to reassess their career and how it changed their lives for the better.
Key Takeaways:
– Triger points to reassess your career
– Key elements needed in any career assessment tool
– Two (2) traits you never want to get wrong
– Creating an answer key to make decisions with eyes wide open
– Playing offense versus defense when reassessing your career
– Hands on touch/feel of an assessment tool and results

About the Speaker: Ed leads Career Professionals Executive Networking Forum (CPENG) in Wilmington, DE, Believers in Business (BIB) small business forum for greater Kennett Square, PA, hosts “Optimize Your Career” program on Philly radio, 1180 am WFYL every Saturday morning, and co-hosts a weekly faith and career forum on Mondays at 5:00 pm EST under Thought Leadership Branding (TLB) house on Clubhouse. He is a frequent speaker at Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group, ExecuNet, TPNG, Chem/Pharma, Joseph’s People, Lehigh Valley Professionals (LVP), FENG, CPENG, Newtown Networking Forum, Career Rebound – FL, Montgomery County Networking Group, PSG of Mercer County – NJ, PSG of Morris County – NJ, CIT – Short Hills, NJ, Innovative Networking Professionals (INP), Association of Finance Professionals (AFP), Philadelphia Diversity Job Fairs, and regional Chamber of Commerce forums. Ed has also been a keynote speaker at Wharton University’s annual Alumni forum, Penn State Alumni, University of Penn Alumni, University of DE, PACD and VOCA Center in NYC. He has been recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, AARP and a frequent guest on regional and national radio, podcasts, and cable TV.
Ed has 30 years of experience working at multi-billion-dollar global firms to leading edge technology start-ups and founded multiple small businesses. He has led recruiting at a multi-billion-dollar firm and has been an independent 3rd party recruiter. Ed has also held no less than 38 unique paid positions in his career:
About the Meeting:
- Meeting Date & Time: October 12, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 AM (America/New York)
Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am
Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am
- Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
- Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
- Fee: $10 will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.
Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.
There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.