Monthly Meeting

The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: “How To Not Suck at Virtual Networking” presented by Ashley Owens

Saturday July 11 at 8:00 AM

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Presentation: “How To Not Suck at Virtual Networking”

Networking is such a personal activity, it is not a one size fits all practice. Most people get bogged down in the details and miss out on the foundation of how to build and retain an effective network. At the end of the day, no one cares WHAT you do, but do you know them, like them or trust them? Establishing and growing meaningful relationships is undeniably critical to long-term success and during the current worldwide pandemic when networking has shifted from onsite to fully online, Ashley reveals how to connect “face-to-face” in our new normal. By attending this session, you will learn how to:

  • Nurture your current business relationships 
  • Create a tactical, individualized approach 
  • Save time by recognizing the best strategic partners
  • Effectively engage contacts using email, messaging, social media, and other digital tools
  • Craft an authentic, powerful, professional networking process 

About the speaker:

Ashley Owens

Ashley Owens is the first and only Networking Concierge that puts you in the right situation or gets you out of the wrong one. As a networking concierge, Ashley works as a strategic partner, attending events with professionals as an extension and champion of them at local events and conferences. Starting her career as a personal and executive assistant to two celebrities in NYC, her experience in networking grew as she obtained positions in customer service, business analytics, and account management. Since 2017, she has grown her business into something she could have NEVER dreamed of. Ashley is a host of two digital TV talk shows on RVNTV and This is it TV, speaking and interviewing on the topic of tactical networking. She has taken over 700 introduction phone calls with business professionals looking to grow their network, and has given close to 1,000 introductions. She has spoken to over 50 networking groups, organizations, companies, and conferences, including the coveted Pennsylvania Conference for Women. She has been interviewed on the Mel Robbins Show on CBS, produces and hosts a podcast talking to entrepreneurs and their screw ups, raises over thousands  of dollars for local non profits that she partners with at her Cocktails and Conversation networking event, has over 185 referral partners, owns equity in two other startup companies and has been flown around country as a keynote speaker.

About the Meeting:

Topic: The Breakfast Club of New Jersey
Time: July 11, 2020 07:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone. 

United States: +1 (571) 317-3112 

Access Code: 523-024-805

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Posted in Monthly Meeting