
2025 Meetings

Meeting DateSpeakerTopicPresentation MaterialChat Log
December 13, 2025Bill LaChanceTBD
November 8, 2025TBDTBD
October 11, 2025TBDTBD
September 13, 2025TBDTBD
August 9, 2025TBDTBD
July 14, 2025Kelly Sachter The Psychology of Transition

June 8, 2025Sean Haggerty & John Armstrong
Employee to Entrepreneur Through Franchising

May 10, 2025Marty Latman Getting Interviews Through Successful Networking
April 12, 2025Valerie S. Williams Kick Start your Job Search - The Essential Checklist
March 8, 2025Frank Kovacs & Mark BealConquering Job Transition - A Panel Discussion (w/ Don Weyler, Haresh Keshwani, ...)
February 8, 2025Heather KayInterviewing from Strengths
This is a Virtual Meeting
January 11, 2025George PaceKeep Pace with AI / Generative AI Ecosystems - The Very Real Disruption of AI Agents in the Job Market

2024 Meetings

Meeting DateSpeakerTopicPresentation MaterialChat Log
December 14, 2024Bill LaChanceKey Financial Planning Considerations for those in a Career TransitionWJL Money Saving Strategies Presentation 2025 ACA 9_23_24
November 9, 2024 Rod Colon The CEO of Me: Own Your Own Career
October 12, 2024Ed SamuelWhen and How to Reassess Your Career at Any Age
September 14, 2024 Sam Velu Unleashing the Power of AI Automation for Job Seekers
August 10, 2024Mark BealWin The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace
July 13, 2024 Janelle RazzinoThe Breakfast Club NJ Presents: How I Journeyed to Present Day by Janelle
June 8, 2024Jeff AltmanLeverage AI In Your Job SearchThe Breakfast Club NJ - 06_8_2024 - Meeting Chat
May 11, 2024 Paul CecalaTake Control of Your Job Search
April 13, 2024Ken LangHow LinkedIn is Using AI for Job Search
March 9, 2024John HadleyJump Start Your Networking
February 10, 2023Sharon BusseyEnterprise Agile Career Opportunities from Specialist to Senior ExecutiveThe Breakfast Club -02_10_2024 - Meeting Chat
January 13, 2023George PaceChatGPT2024 PresentationThe Breakfast Club -01_13_2024 - Meeting Chat

2023 Meetings

Meeting DateSpeakerTopicPresentation MaterialChat Log
December 9, 2023Bill LaChanceMoney Saving Strategies During a Career Transition: Health Insurance, Taxes, Etc
November 11, 2023Terrence SeamonThe Five Habits of Highly Effective Job HunterFive Habits TBC 2023
October 14, 2023Frank Kovacs & Mark BealAnalysis, Observations & Best Practices from 4 Generations of Job SeekersThe Breakfast Club of New Jersey October 2023The Breakfast Club -10_14_2023 - Meeting Chat
September 9, 2023Ken LangLinkedIn - Best Practices for Job SearchSlide DeckThe Breakfast Club -09_09_2023 - Meeting Chat
August 12, 2023Lynne WilliamsHow To Develop Successful Job Search StrategiesHow to Develop Succesful Job Search StrategiesThe Breakfast Club NJ 8_12_2023 - Meeting Chat(1)
July 8, 2023Ed SamuelOptimizing Your Career and Job Searchmeeting_saved_chat(5)
June 10, 2023Alex FreundCan you influence the Interviewer? Here are 6 Ways You Can
May 13, 2023Ken SherTo Survive and Thrive After a Job LossSurvive and Thrive after a job loss slides only 5 23The Breakfast Club of NJ 05_13_2023 - Meeting Chat
April 8, 2023Gerry CrispenGerry will facilitate a conversation about current trends and technology impacting hiringThe Breakfast Club of NJ 04_08_2023 - Meeting Chat(4)
March 11, 2023Ed HanHow Best To Leverage LinkedIn for Job Search In 2023
February 11, 2023Andrew O'HearnNetworking Circles: How to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships That Drive Results TogetherNetworking Circles Breakfast Club 021123 DRAFT 020723(7)
January 14, 2023George PaceA Job Skills Odessey-Your Career In A Post COVID WorldMeeting Chat Log(10)

2022 Meetings

Meeting DateSpeakerTopicPresentation MaterialChat Log
December 10, 2022Debra WheatmanProfessional BrandingPersonal Branding Presentation
November 12, 2022Bill LaChanceKey Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition
October 8, 2022Hanan IsaacsEssential Principles of Employment Law for Workers or Those in Transition
September 10, 2022Alex FreundThe BOT is Ready to Interview You Now
August 13, 2022Janelle Razzino MONEYBall - Salary Negotiation
July 9, 2022Marty LatmanNetworking: Using It Throughout Your LifeChat-Log-TBCNJ-2022-07-093.rtf
June 11, 2022Jennifer L. SmithThe Passion Factor: Stand Out and Get Noticed the Right WayChatLog-The-Breakfast-Club-of-NJ-06_11_2022-2022_06_11-10_132
May 14, 2022John HadleyTurn Interviews Into Offers
April 9, 2022Glenn PaschBeyond the Resume - Sharing Your Skills and Yourself
March 12, 2022Ed SamuelThe Good Bad and Ugly when Working with 3rd Party Recruiters
February 12, 2022Sharon BusseyEnterprise Agility – Current & Emerging Career OpportunitiesChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 02_12_2022 2022_02_12 09_57
January 8, 2022George Pace"Pandemic Proof" your Career - Insights from 52 Weeks of "COVID"ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 01_08_2022 2022_01_08 10_28

2021 Meetings

Meeting DateSpeakerTopicPresentation MaterialChat Log
December 11, 2021Marty LatmanNetworking During the HolidaysSlidedeck - FinalChat Log(2)
November 13, 2021Bill LaChanceKey Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career TransitionBill LaChance Money Saving Strategies Presentation 2022 ACA 11_11_21Chat Log(1)
October 9, 2021Lisa ManyokyPresence IntelligenceChat Log
September 11, 2021Alex FreundCan you Influence the Interviewer?ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ 09-11-2021
August 14, 2021Ed HanLinkedIn: How Recruiters Use ItLinkedIn - How Recruiters Use ItChat Log
July 10, 2021Colleen FarraryRise Above The Competition: An Interactive Lesson on Interviewing
June 12, 2021Jeff BonaldiHow to Create a Business That Aligns with Your PassionChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 06_12_2021 2021_06_12 10_17
May 8, 2021Ken SherHandling Difficult Interview ChallengesHandling Difficult Interview Challenges - BCNJ - 5-8-2021Chat Log - The Breakfast Club of NJ - 2021-05-08
April 10, 2021Andy O'Hearn With Dogged Resolve: How Best to Communicate and Connect in the Post-Covid Employment WorldWith Dogged Resolve - how best to comm & connect post-COVID 021321 no-notesChat Log-1
March 13, 2021Kenneth LangLinkedin and Networkingkl 2021 for tbc(1)ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 03_13_2021 2021_03_13 10_17
February 13, 2021Abby KohutBecoming a VictOR rather than a VictIMChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 02_13_2021 2021_02_13 10_56
January 9, 2021George PaceHow to Keep Pace in a Post-COVID World - Preparing for Disrupted Ecosystems and the New NormalChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 01__09_2021 2021_01_09 10_43

“2020 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material,Chat Log

“December 12, 2020”, Mark Beal,You are the CMO of your Brand and Job Search,,Chat Log The Breakfast Club of NJ 12-12-2020,
“November 14, 2020”, Bill LaChance, Key Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition,Bill LaChance Money Saving Strategies Presentation 2021 ACA,ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 11_14_2020 2020_11_14 10_03
“October 10, 2020”, Janelle Razzino,The Salary Question,,ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 10_10_2020 2020_10_10 10_37

“September 12, 2020”,Alex Freund,So Tell Me About Yourself,,ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 9_12_2020 2020_09_12 11_21
“August 8, 2020”, Lindsley Medlin,Blockchain 101,,ChatLog The Breakfast Club of NJ _ 8_8_2020
“July 11, 2020”,Ashley Owens,How to Not Suck at Networking,,ChatLog The Breakfast Club NJ _ July 11 2020_07_11 09_56
“June 13, 2020”,Eileen Sinett,Body Language for Job Seekers,,ChatLog The Breakfast Club NJ _ June 13 2020_06_13 10_19
“May 9, 2020”,Sharon Bussey,Advance secure or transition your career with High-Demand Certifications,Slides,ChatLog The Breakfast Club NJ 2020_05_09 10_02
“April 11, 2020”,David Schuchman,How to Be A Consultant in a Gig Economy,Slides,ChatLog The Breakfast Club NJ Meeting _ April 11_ 2020 2020_04_11 09_35-1
“March 14, 2020” ,Valerie S. Williams,Kick Start your Job Search The Essential Checklist,Kick Start Your Job Search-The Essential Checklist 2020 v2,
“February 8, 2020”,Lynne W Williams,Beating the Applicant Tracking System,,
“January 11, 2020”,George Pace, The future of work,,

“2019 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material

“December 14, 2019”,Jerry Crispin, TBA,
“November 9, 2019”, Bill LaChance,Key Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition,
“October 12, 2019”,
Frank Kovacs, Frank Kovacs and Mark Beal 101 Lessons To Achieve Job Search Success,
“September 14, 2019”,Kenneth Lang,LinkedIn Changes,
“August 10, 2019”, Marty Latman,Ageism – The Elephant in the Room,
“July 13, 2019”, Glenn Pasch,How to Brand Yourself to Stand out During the Interview Process,
“June 8, 2019”,Hanan Isaacs,Essential Principles of NJ Employment Law for Workers or Those in Transition,
“May 11, 2019”,Janelle Razzino,MONEYBALL! Salary Negotiation,
“April 13, 2019”,Mark Beal,Define Yourself As a Brand That Delivers Value,Slides
“March 9, 2019” ,John Hadley,Land The Job & Pay You Deserve,
“February 9, 2019”,Ed Han,LinkedIn Comes to Praise Your Resume – Not Bury It,
“January 12, 2019”,George Pace, Will Artificial Intelligence Take My Job – What you can do to Keep Pace,

“2018 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material

“December 8, 2018”, Glenn Pasch,How to Brand Yourself to Stand out During the Interview Process,
“November 10, 2018”, Bill LaChance and Jim Moore,Key Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition,
“October 13, 2018”, David Schuchman,Recruiters Panel Discussion: Moderator-David Schuchman Panel-(Janelle Razinno Irene Cappuccino Scott Stein Marcos Edghill ),
“September 8, 2018”,Alex Freund, Body Language for Interview Success,
“August 11, 2018”, Marty Latman,In Transition – Now what do I do,Slides
“July 14, 2018”, Michael Milutis, Know Thyself Brand Thyself! The Secrets of Self-Actualization and Workplace Engagement,
“June 9, 2018”, Doug Berger, TBA,
“May 12, 2018”,Abby Kohut, TBA,
“April 14, 2018”, Gary Lande, Are the companies you have applied to calling you for interviews?,
“March 10, 2018” ,Christina CK Kerley,Humanity Is The Killer App: How The Robots & AIs Will Humanize Us?,
“February 10, 2018”,Andy O’Hearn, How are Trustworthy Others Telling Your Story to Hiring-Process Influencers?,Slides
“January 13, 2018”,George Pace, Will Artificial Intelligence Take My Job – What you can do to Keep Pace,

“2017 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 9, 2017”,Jack Killion,Network All the Time – Everywhere with Everybody,
“November 11, 2017”,Bill LaChance,Money Saving Strategies during a Career Transition: Health Insurance Taxes College Costs and Investment Fees,Slides
“October 14, 2017”,Alex Freund,LinkedIn: It’s About Being Found,Slides
“September 9, 2017”,David Schuchman,What to do When you can’t do What you used to do,
“August 12, 2017”,John Hadley,Coping With the Strain of Your Search on Relationships,
“July 8, 2017” ,Christina CK Kerley,The Tech Megatrends,Slides
“June 10, 2017”,Panel Discussion: Andrew Manns Jr. Jeremy Rosenberg and Brian Mecca,30 seconds to make a great and memorable fist impression,
“May 13, 2017”,Abby Kohut,Secrets Recruiters Don’t Want You To Know,
“April 8, 2017”,Valerie S. Williams,Preparing for the Job Hunt: The Essential Checklist,SlidesTemplate
“March 11, 2017”,Ed Han,How Recruiters Use LinkedIn,
“February 11, 2017”,Glenn Pasch,A View From the Other Side of the Hiring Desk,
“January 14, 2017”,George Pace, Jobs of the Future – Are you ready to “Keep Pace?”,YouTubeSlides

“2016 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 10, 2016”,Natasha Sherman,Mastering Change: Strategies for Success,
“November 12, 2016”,Frank Wander,How to Create a Culture Millennials Flock to and then Stay,Presentation Deck
“October 8, 2016”,Alex Freund,LinkedIn: It’s About Being Found,Presentation Deck
“September 10, 2016”,Maria Heidkamp,The New Start Career Network: Helping New Jersey’s Older LTU Job Seekers,
“August 13, 2016”,George Pace,Panel Discussion: Moderator-George Pace Panel-(Haresh Keswani Benny Racine Richard Notarnicola),
“July 9, 2016” ,David Schuchman,How to Work as a Consultant,
“June 11, 2016”,Jennifer L Smith,Using Executive Presence to Get Hired,
“May 14, 2016”,Abby Kohut,Success for the Seasoned Search… The Benefit of Being Overqualified,
“April 9, 2016”,Marty Latman,In Transition – Now what do I do,
“March 12, 2016”,John Hadley,Common Traps That Trip Up Job Seekers,
“February 13, 2016”,Bill LaChance,Key Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition,
“January 9, 2016”,George Pace, You the Product – How YOU can become a more attractive product,

“2015 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 12, 2015”,Alex Freund, The Interview: You Are Onstage,
“November 14, 2015”,Janet Cargill, A 360 Approach to Personal Effectiveness,
“October 10, 2015”,Paul Hatrak, How to Better Communicate for Success,
“September 12, 2015”,Rick Simmons, How to maximize your online reputation to help you in your job search by using social media,
“August 8, 2015”,Jerry Crispin,Candidate Experience: Truth Myths and Measures,
“July 11, 2015” ,Debra Wheatman,Staying motivated during your job search,
“June 13, 2015”,Marcos Edghill,Re-Branding in the age of high technology – low personnel,
“May 9, 2015”,Bill LaChance,Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition,
“April 11, 2015”,George Pace,Digital Disruption Part 2,
“March 14, 2015”,George Pace,Digital Disruption,
“February 14, 2015”,Alex Freund, A Workshop – Let’s Improve Your Elevator Pitch,
“January 10, 2015”,Rod Colon, Keep the Faith and Networking Alive,

“2014 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 13, 2014”,John Hadley, Turn Interviews Into Offers,
“November 8, 2014”,Joe Himmelfarb, Selling Yourself,
“October 11, 2014”,Alex Freund, Why Can’t I Get That Job?,
“September 13, 2014”,Jackie Lesser, Applying Personal Leadership While in Transition,
“August 9, 2014”,Frank Kovacs, A Call To Action,
“July 12, 2014” ,Frank Wander, How to Create an Innovative Organization,
“June 14, 2014”,,,
“May 10, 2014”,Matthew Levy, Using Social Media to Enhance Your Job Search,
“April 12, 2014”,George Pace, You the Product – How YOU can become a more attractive product,
“March 8, 2014”,Ken Eisenberg, How to Leverage the Immediacy of the Telephone in Your Job Search,
“February 8, 2014”,Rich Paino, Thriving During Change,
“January 11, 2014”, Abby Kohut, Exposing the Hidden Job Market,

“2013 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 14, 2013”,Canceled due to weather,,
“November 9, 2013”, Mike Palestina, When We Need to Understand Others It Is Important To Know What They Are Feeling and Thinking,
“October 12, 2013”, Dr. Barry Hurwitz, Using Social Media to Find Your Next Job,
“September 14, 2013”, John Hadley, The Influential Conversation,
“August 10, 2013”, Eunice Colmon, Fine Tuning Your Brand,
“July 13, 2013” , Alex Freund, Connect Social Media to You Career Goals,
“June 8, 2013”, Marty Latman, TBD,
“May 11, 2013”, Joe Himmelfarb, Selling Yourself,
“April 13, 2013”, George Pace, Twitter
“March 9, 2013”, Gerry Crispin, The Candidate Experience: How Good is good… and Why You Should Care,
“February 9, 2013”,Debra Wheatman, Socal Media Networking Strategy,
“January 12, 2013”, Mahesh Harvu, No Limits! – Realize your potential in your career aspirations,

“2012 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 8, 2012”, Mike Palestina, Developing an Effective Job Search Strategy,
“November 10, 2012”, Linda Trignano, Confidence – Your Secret Weapon,
“October 13, 2012”, John Hadley, What Blocks Your Job Search,
“September 8, 2012”, Rod Colon, The Power of Mock Interviews,
“August 11, 2012”, Donal Truss, Subliminal Selling Skills for Interviewing,
“July 14, 2012”, Neil Cooper, How to End the Job Search Pain and Get Your Life Back?,
“June 9, 2012”, Marty Latman, Resume,
“May 12, 2012”, Janelle Razzino, Working with recruiters – Let’s be Friends,
“April 14, 2012”, Alex Freund, Why Bother Networking,
“March 10, 2012”, John Seber, “Today’s Job Market – Expectations, Perspectives and Effectiveness”,
“February 11, 2012”, Dale Caldwell, Influence-Driven Career Success,Influence-Driven Career Success
“January 14, 2012”, Debra Wheatman, Careers Done Write – Creating a Winning LinkedIn Profile,CDW LinkedIN Presentation

“2011 Meetings”,Meeting Date, Speaker, Topic, Presentation Material
“December 10, 2011”, Marty Latman, Working the Room,Tips on Working the Room
“November 12, 2011”, Abby Kohut, Success for the Seasoned Search: The Benefit of Being Overqualified,
“October 8, 2011”, Joe Himmelfarb, “Selling You, Inc.”,
“September 10, 2011”, Anne Pepper, Interview Questions that Stump You,
“August 13, 2011”, Alex Freund, Why people get stuck when hit with job loss,Networking Leading to Interviews
“July 9, 2011”, George Pace, You Connected HOW? – Leveraging Social Networks in growing your Network,
“June 11, 2011”,Melanie Szlucha, Marketing Yourself,
“May 14, 2011”, Frank Kovacs,,
“April 9, 2011”, Karen Carson, Transition/Joblessness,
“March 12, 2011”, Dan Silvert, How to use the DISC to assess yourself and improve communication,
“February 12, 2011”, John Hadley, Common Traps That Snare Job Seekers,
“January 8, 2011”, Jean Baur, Why people get stuck when hit with job loss,